Mgr. Monika Tělupilová, Dis.
My name is Monica Tělupilová, I nutrition consultant and nutritional therapist. I chose to work in the field of nutrition and healthy lifestyle for the reason I was always interested in this area. Therefore, I began to dedicate nutrition in depth and professionally and participate on several seminars on this topis to widen my knowledge. To expand the scope of my nutrition and I studied at colleges: graduate dietician. I work as a nutrition consultant since 2009, I established two branches in Sumperk r. 2010 in Brno, r., 2012. I welcome project CEFF for the opportunity to educate people to orientate among the food and identify the quality without added additives.
Ing. Iva Hrnčiříková, Ph.D.
I work teacher at Masaryk University in Brno. I also work as a project manager or co-manager of several projects. Within my job in the faculty I work with many top and amateur athletes. I give lectures also for the general public and I work as a sports nutrition consultant for several sports clubs. I work in the Nutrition centre concentrating on healthy diet and stop smoking at the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute in Brno. This clinic closely cooperate with the Brno League Against Cancer, a nonprofit organization of which I am President since 2010. Working focus is counseling about nutrition, weight loss, childhood obesity. I am a co-author of some publications, for example “Additives in in food” , CPress publishing and textbooks.
Ing. Vladimír Klescht
I work as a consultant and lecturer for a healthy lifestyle for many years, where the nutrition plays a very important role. I am also the author of several publications on this issue. One of them is “Additives in food”. " I lead my clients to concentrate on seasonal food of the region – to eat what they harvest in the season in their region, and they prefer fresh food not the ready one. I am aware that to observe this by 100% is not easy in these days, so in the case we have to choose semi-finished food for any reason, it is good to focus on products of good quality with the absence of chemical additives which our body can not handle. Some of the additives can be even harmful for our body. I am convinced that CEFF project will help to raise awareness between people. The project gives clear identification of food of good quality without chemical additives.
Jana Vašáková, Nutritional Counsellor
I guide my clients to the so-called common sense. I often help them to navigate in the information listed on the food packaging. Because it is superhuman to remember all the additives, I like the idea of a single logo saying to people: product without harmful „Es“. Similar is case of logo for organic food. However it is important to note that some additives have a specific purpose in nutrition and are designed for example for diabetics, but not for healthy individuals.
Dr. Miroslav Jelinek, GP
I am a practitioner for adults working in the field for 30 years. I welcome promotion of food with no preservatives. I am not a supporter of and „Es“ in food and I watch them when shopping. I believe that this project will help change dietary habits and will lead to an increased consumption of fresh food.
Mgr. Pavel Simek, High School Teacher of Biology and Chemistry
I am a high school teacher of chemistry and biology almost 20 years. The students like to discuss the chemical composition of foods and the consequences of their consumption on human health. This project allows to objectively and professionally look at this issue. I fully support and welcome this opportunity as another chance to public education in the field of biochemistry.